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Summer Brings Warm Weather and Increased Car Accident Risks
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

Many people think that the majority of vehicle accidents occur during the winter months when the roads can become icy and visibility becomes poor because of bad weather driving. Although those factors do contribute to crashes, the truth is that it is the summer months that become the most dangerous. In fact, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) cites May as the beginning of the “dangerous summer driving season.”

According to national statistics, in 2020 (the latest year data is available), there were more than 38,800 victims killed in car accidents. The largest number of fatalities took place during the summer months, with the highest occurring in July and August.

There are several factors that have been cited as contributors to this spike in crashes in the summer months. The first factor cited most often is that the summer months are when schools around the country are closed, which means many more teenage drivers are on the road. Many teen drivers do drive safely, however, but much more lack experience behind the wheel, and this puts everyone on the road at risk. In fact, the fatal crash rate per mile for teen drivers is more than triple that of drivers who are aged 20 years or older.

More People on the Roads

Another frequently cited factor for the spike in summer crashes is that the summer months bring out more people. In the summer months, many families take to the roads for vacations and travel. Not only does this mean more vehicles on the road, but many of these drivers are traveling in areas that may be unfamiliar, which can cause traffic slowdowns and other driving issues that can contribute to crashes.

Road construction is another popular site during summer months, as well as another factor for car accidents. The data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that during a five-year period, there were almost 700 victims killed in work zone crashes. These areas leave both commuters and road workers vulnerable to injury.

Vehicle drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists, construction workers, and so many more on the road during the summer means that drivers need to stay alert at all times and pay attention to the road around them. Otherwise, the results can be tragic.

Let Our Virginia Personal Injury Firm Help

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of another party’s negligent or reckless actions, contact a Norfolk personal injury attorney from Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp. It is critical to remember that Virginia has placed a statute of limitation for how long victims have to file a claim for damages against those responsible for their injuries, so do not delay. Failure to file before that legal deadline could mean you lose any chance of ever filing your claim or getting justice against the person responsible for you or your loved one’s injuries.

Contact our office today to set up a free and confidential case evaluation with one of our dedicated Virginia accident attorneys.


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