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A tragic train accident in Shanghai added to an unease that safety may have been sacrificed in China’s rush to develop, according to the New York Times.

Some 271 people were injured when one subway train smashed into the rear of another train in a Shanghai Metro system that opened in 2010. Xinhua, the official news agency, reported equipment failure as responsible, but the accident remained under investigation.

No deaths were reported, but the government said around 20 people had serious injuries. The accident happened two months after a deadly crash on July 23, 2011, involving two trains on eastern China’s high-speed rail network that killed 40 people and injured about 200 in Wenzhou.

The two China train crashes remind us that people get killed or seriously injured every day when they commute by bus, subway, plane, and trains. Owners and operators of these mass transit systems, and their investors, whether government or private, should be held responsible for meeting safety requirements. The attorneys at Shapiro, Cooper, Lewis & Appleton often represent injured clients in mass transit accidents.


About the Editors: The Shapiro, Cooper, Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm, which has offices in Virginia (VA) and North Carolina (NC), edits the injury law blogs Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard and Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard as pro bono services.

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