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A book titled "PERSONAL INJURY LAW" sits on a desk with a gavel and stethoscope
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

The purpose of a personal injury claim or lawsuit is to make the victim “whole” again, the way they were before the accident. This means the at-fault party is liable for any medical expenses for injury treatments and lost wages if the victim cannot work while recovering. The at-fault party may also be liable for non-economic damages.

Unfortunately, there are many cases where the victim doesn’t fully recover. There may be permanent damage, including some scarring and disfigurement. In some situations, the victim may have suffered amputation of a limb. No matter what type of scarring or disfigurement has resulted, the victim is also entitled to financial compensation for these losses. A Norfolk personal injury lawyer can help.

Different Types of Scars

There are different types of scars that people can suffer, and each one may require different treatments:

Hypertrophic scars

The victim can develop a hypertrophic scar when there are too many collagen fibers during the healing process. Hypertrophic scars are characterized by their raised, thickened appearance compared to the surrounding skin. They are usually red or pink and can be shiny. These scars can be very sensitive to contact and may cause itching.

Keloid scars

When scar tissue develops around the injury area, this is referred to as a keloid scar. These scars are often very painful for the victim. Keloid scars are raised, thickened, and extend beyond the borders of the original wound or injury site. They often appear shiny and smooth and can range in color from pink to red or darker than the surrounding skin. Typically, scar revision surgery is necessary for removal.

Contracture scars

This type of scar is the most disfiguring and is often formed in victims of burn victims. When a large area of skin is lost, the tissue around the injury melds together and creates an area of very tight skin, often impacting the victims’s nerves and muscles.

Contracture scars are characterized by tight, thick bands of scar tissue that can restrict movement and flexibility in the affected area. The skin may appear shiny and smooth and have a slightly different texture compared to normal skin. The scar tissue tends to pull the edges of the skin inward, causing tightening and sometimes deformity.

Victims who have contracture scars also suffer from chronic pain and severe disfigurement and require plastic surgery to help alleviate their suffering.

Call Our Personal Injury Law Firm for Legal Assistance

Any accident has the potential to cause injuries that will leave the victim with scarring or disfigurement. Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents can all cause deep cuts and lacerations that leave permanent scarring. Vehicle accidents, as well as electrical accidents, defective product accidents, and premises liability accidents, all have the potential to cause burn injuries that often leave heavy scarring. Accident victims can also suffer the amputation of a limb or a body part that is crushed or severed.

Scarring and disfigurement can have a significant impact on the victim’s ability to perform daily activities, work, or even enjoy life. In addition to the medical bills and lost wages mentioned above, victims may be able to pursue damages for the pain and suffering their injuries have caused, the emotional anguish that the accident, injuries, and resulting scarring or disfigurement the victim has been left with. There may also be damages available for loss of quality of life.

A Norfolk personal injury attorney can evaluate your case and determine the damages you may be entitled to. To learn more, contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to schedule a free and confidential consultation and learn about your legal options.




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