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Car crashed into parked car on neighborhood street
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

Driving on Virginia roads has become increasingly more treacherous thanks to distracted, inexperienced, impaired, and aggressive drivers. But it is a problem that is seen across the country. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, more than 40 percent of crashes occur at intersections and that number goes up each year. More than 5,000 people are killed each year from T-bone collisions. This accounts for 25 percent of all fatal car accident victims.

What if you are the victim of an impact at an intersection? What should you do? What are your legal rights and recourses? A Norfolk car accident lawyer can help.

Broadside Collisions

A broadside collision or impact to the side of a vehicle is commonly referred to as a “T-bone collision” due to the fact an actual “T” formation is created between the two vehicles involved.

T-bone collisions commonly occur at traffic light-controlled intersections or stop sign intersections and, depending on the speed and timing, can occur at any angle. The variables can be endless, but having the presence of mind to stay calm and gather preliminary evidence is key. Often, these cases are fraught with drivers blaming each other.

Serious to Catastrophic Injuries

Many of today’s modern vehicles are designed to sustain front or rear-end damage, with airbags and reinforced bumpers, but victims involved in broadside collisions can sometimes bear the brunt of side impacts with little protection from within their vehicle. Therefore, many of these collisions end in catastrophic injuries to drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians as the impacted car may strike innocent people in the street or in surrounding buildings.

Many factors play a role in resulting injuries including:

  • The area of the vehicle struck
  • Availability or the absence of safety features
  • The speed of the vehicles
  • Weight of the vehicles

Due to the different scenarios and the high potential for a roll-over, injuries sustained by drivers and passengers can run the gambit and include internal bleeding, organ damage, broken bones, concussions, lacerations, bruising, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, whiplash and more. In fact, studies have shown that T-bone crash injuries can be the most severe of all car crashes and are often fatal.

Steps You Should Take

If you find yourself involved a T-bone collision, obviously medical attention for all injuries is the priority. Documenting information such as the other driver’s information, damage to the vehicles and surrounding structures, injuries, and witness information can all help bolster your case. Accident reports taken by police attending the scene or at the police station also help your personal injury attorney with their investigation which will become an important basis for your case.

Call Our Personal Injury Law Firm

If you have been injured in a T-bone crash – or any other type of car accident – caused by the negligence of another driver, contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to find out what legal recourse you may have. Our Norfolk car accident lawyers have successfully represented many car accident victims in obtaining the best financial outcome based on the circumstances of their case. Call our office today to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation.


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