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Four major national retailers have issued voluntary recalls of the Nap Nanny baby recliners after several deaths and nearly 100 reports of injuries to children have been documented.

The companies are:, Buy Buy Baby, and Toys R Us/Babies R Us. The big baby retailing companies say they are recalling the Nap Nanny Generation One and Two along with the Chill model infant recliner.

The Consumer Products Safety Commission has said that parents should be aware that the baby recliners contain serious defects in design that can pose a grave risk of injury and even death to young children. The recliners are made by Baby Matters, LLC.

This isn’t the first time such a recall has been issued. Back in 2010, the company recalled its Generation One model after one child died and others were injured using the baby recliner. Despite attempts to improve the recliner, other children have continued to suffer injuries. Given the repeated problems retailers are taking action to remove the product from their shelves.

In a related bit of news, the CPSC has said that consumers should be aware of possible mold problems related to Fisher-Price newborn Rock’ ‘N Play Sleepers. The sleeping seat includes a soft plastic cushion along with a removable fabric cover. Mold can develop between the cushion and the hard plastic frame of the sleeper if it becomes wet or is cleaned too infrequently.

The CPSC says the warning applies to some 800,000 sleeper seats that have been sold in stores and online since 2009. The danger is that mold might grow and lead to respiratory illnesses or other infections in children. Fisher-Price revealed that it has received a whopping 600 reports of model and 16 incidents where children have had to seek treatment for respiratory issues related to the sleepers.

The CPSC says parents should look for dark brown or black spots on the sleeper seat which can indicate the presence of mold. If mold is found, immediately stop using the product and contact Fisher-Price for instructions.

About the Editors: Our personal injury law firm has offices in Virginia (VA) and North Carolina (NC). The attorneys with the firm publish and edit articles on three Legal Examiner sites for the geographic areas of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Northeast North Carolina as a pro bono service to the general public.

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