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Electronic cigarettes have exploded in popularity over the last three years with industry experts estimating that the number of such devices sold in the U.S. has doubled in only the last two years. Others predict that within 10 years there will be more e-cigarettes sold than traditional tobacco cigarettes.

While the industry has grown based on vague claims that the smokeless cigarettes are healthier for users, the fact remains that Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate the products. As such, no reliable information about the safety of the products is being communicated with consumers.

As a result of this lack of oversight, U.S. attorneys general from 41 states gathered together this past week to urge the FDA to issue regulations that would govern the sale of e-cigarettes. The push by the attorneys generals come as many safety experts have begun to raise serious doubts about how healthy the products actually are as well as concerns about children purchasing and using e-cigarettes. 

The group issued a statement saying that the FDA needs to take action as soon as possible because consumers are vulnerable to being misled. Specifically, the group says that consumers are being led to believe that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to cigarettes, despite clear evidence that shows the electronic cigarettes are also addictive. There is also no regulatory oversight regarding the ingredients contained in the e-cigarettes, something that has concerned many.

Reports of exactly what those ingredients include have surfaced recently as consumer safety groups and countries have begun investigating the safety of the popular products. The French National Consumers’ Institute conducted a test of 10 different e-cigarette devices and found that three of the 10 contained as much formaldehyde as ordinary cigarettes. The same study also discovered that some e-cigarettes contain other toxic substances such as propylene glycol, which raises a user’s risk of developing respiratory problems.

E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that are shaped like real cigarettes but instead of being smoked, contain a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and can be inhaled by the user, simulating the smoking experience. Currently there are more than 250 brands of e-cigarettes on the market which is why it is so important that the FDA take action to regulate the product, ensuring that unsuspecting consumers remain safe. 


One Comment

  1. Gravatar for Patricia Scott
    Patricia Scott

    I myself use an e-cigarette that I purchased at a vapor shop in my small town..I baught the product on Oct. 8th 2013 and have not bought another pack of cigarettes since!! yes, it is diff. than smoking a cig. BUT i have found myself weazing less at night and dont have the urge for a cigarette. I agree it is a good idea to investigate the product and make sure it is healthy.. I DO NOT agree with the gov't trying to regulate every single thing we do!! This is becoming rediculous.. if the FDA does in fact prove the e-cigarette has worse side effects than a real cigarette I will quit using it.. If they prove it has less harmful effect than a real cigarette I will continue with my e-cigarette b/c it has helped me quit smoking and I find I do not need the nicotine (e-cig) as frequent now that I am in my 2nd week! If the FDA does there tests and finds there is nothing that will kill us, then leave it alone! Let people make their own choices!! The Gov't needs to quit trying to micro-manage the people and how we live our lives..

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