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The Most Dangerous Types of Norfolk Car Accidents
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

About 39 million people require medical attention for a variety of personal injuries every year. Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp has advocated for injured clients for over 35 years. At our firm, we only practice personal injury law and represent the victims, never the at-fault parties. Although many types of accidents can result in a personal injury claim, the most common are car accidents.

Approximately 3 million people are injured in car accidents each year. Two million of those victims end up with permanent injuries. Car accidents can involve a single vehicle, multiple vehicles, crashes with trucks, crashes with motorcycles, and against pedestrians and cyclists. The following are the types of accidents that can leave victims injured and seeking the legal assistance of a Norfolk car accident attorney.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions happen when a driver tries passing another vehicle on a two-lane road or a driver goes the wrong way down a one-way street or ramp. These are not the most common types of car accidents, but they are the deadliest because of the speed at which both vehicles usually travel when impact occurs.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents fall under the category of car accidents because injured victims would pursue damages against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Many pedestrian accidents are caused by distracted drivers who are not paying attention to the road and fail to see the pedestrian crossing. This can occur even when pedestrians follow all the traffic laws and only cross at traffic lights and crosswalks.

Rear-End Collisions

Most rear-end crashes occur at lower speeds, usually because the driver in the rear fails to slow down or stop in time. However, even at lower speeds, victims can still suffer serious injury, with whiplash being one of the most common. When a crash occurs at higher speeds, like a vehicle traveling on a highway that fails to stop in time because of a traffic jam, the injuries sustained by victims can be severe.

Side-Impact Crashes

Side-impact crashes most often occur on highways because of the multiple lanes of vehicles going in the same direction. They are often caused by a driver attempting to merge onto the highway or switch into another lane but failing to check to make sure there are no vehicles in the way.

T-Bone Car Accidents

T-bone crashes most often occur at intersections, usually because a driver runs a red light or stop sign or fails to yield the right of way. The result is the nose of that vehicle slamming into the other vehicle’s side, making the shape of the “T.” The occupants sitting on the side of the vehicle that is hit are often severely injured because of the lack of a barrier between them and the other vehicle.

Call Our Personal Injury Law Firm Today

Car crash victims often suffer from injuries that require a long-term recovery process. This usually involves high medical expenses, lost wages from work, and pain and suffering. And it is not uncommon for victims to suffer life-long damage from these injuries.

Insurance companies often pressure car crash victims to settle their claims quickly and for much less than what the victim deserves. That is why it is critical to contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp today to schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our skilled Norfolk car accident attorneys. We will work diligently to get you the financial compensation you deserve, like the $130,000 insurance settlement we obtained for one client who suffered back and neck injuries when another driver rear-ended her car.

For more information, download our free guide to car crash injuries in Virginia.

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